Barcode Verification Reports FAQ
What is barcode verification & why is it important?
Barcode Verification is much more than just checking that your barcode can be scanned by a barcode scanner or that it returns with the number you expect.
Barcode verification is about checking that the barcode:
- Will scan on all retailer barcode equipment, at
point of sale and in the supply chain. - Meets all the necessary ISO standards.
- Meets all the necessary retailer standards.
If barcodes fail to scan in the supply chain or at retail, this reduces efficiency and increases cost and may result in complaints or penalties from your customers.
What has changed and what is the opportunity?
Previously, all suppliers to major grocery retailers were required to use GS1 Australia to obtain barcode verification reports for their products. This involved sending one of every product and associated packaging to GS1 for scanning. This can be both costly and time consuming for vendors, and increases time to market. Paradoxically it can also reduce the likelihood of barcode scanning in the supply chain because verification is only performed once in a products packaging lifecycle, not on-going.
The major retailers have now all agreed to relax this criteria to permit any suitably trained organisation to provide these barcode verification reports. This means that vendors now have a choice to either do it themselves or choose from a range of providers such as Salsify to improve convenience or lower the cost. The cost savings and simplification of business processes should be significant and the investment required will pay back very quickly for anyone but the smallest vendor.
Woolworths’ vendor document can be found here. And the change is on page 9.
Metcash’s vendor document can be found here. And the change is on page 8.
Coles’ vendor document can be found here. And the change is on page 9.
Is it risky to do our own barcode verification?
Globally, vendors and other third parties do barcode verification without issue. GS1 UK for example, have produced this guide (page 24) for manufacturers about barcode verification. A number of Australian vendors have staff internally who are accredited to do their own barcode verifications. They benefit from more frequent quality checks at a lower cost, and a shorter time to market.
In terms of barcode validity, you can check ownership of barcodes here (on the GS1 database). But nothing stops someone fraudulently copying your barcode, whether provided by GS1 Australia or not.
How do I take advantage of this opportunity?
It is necessary to be suitably trained, with the right equipment and process in order to meet the necessary requirements stipulated by retailers.
The hardware that is typically used for barcode verification is provided by Axicon, and the resellers of this hardware in Australia is Cobra Systems and Intermax. These companies are experts on barcode standards and verification processes, and provide training to a wide range of organisations.
Intermax and Cobra have put a program in place that will:
- Assess the appropriate solution based on the needs of your business.
- Advise and source the appropriate barcode verifier.
- Provide training to use the verifier and meet the retailer requirements.
- Help you maintain the quality of your process on-going.
- Provide training to use the verifier and meet the retailer requirements.
- Help you maintain the quality of your process on-going.
More reference information on barcode verification can be found at:
For reference material on barcodes refer to the following documents:
Find out who owns a barcode here:
The actual ISO standard for barcode testing:
GS1’s guide for barcodes (and other things). Section 5 & 6 are of most relevance:
GS1’s guides for setting up a barcode verification process, which you can use in your own company:
Handy layman’s summaries of the technical aspects of barcode verification:
If you need local support, please refer to Intermax at