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If your site has indexed content, then search is going to work more effectively, helping customers get to relevant results faster. So for example, if a customer enters ‘large blue shirt’ and you have those words indexed from your content, they should get taken to a large blue shirt. The customer finds what they want and they are more likely to buy.

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Some customers prefer to browse to a product using data attributes. This is especially true for products with standardised features or a large number of potential specifications. With structured data, customers can refine the number of results returned to get exactly what they want. To do this well, ensuring the right results are returned, requires excellent product data management. That’s where we come in.

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Some customers prefer to browse to a product using data attributes. This is especially true for products with standardised features or a large number of potential specifications. With structured data, customers can refine the number of results returned to get exactly what they want. To do this well, ensuring the right results are returned, requires excellent product data management. That’s where we come in.


Data Driven Content

Good websites make sure that the content that appears on the product page is relevant to the product. Whether that is extended content, such as buyers guides, or cross-sell and up-sell products. It is possible to manually configure every product page, or every product page within a category but having rules based on product attributes enables your content to be finely tuned for the product being displayed. You guessed it, excellent product data management makes this possible.