Buyers use digital channels for research. And there is a lot of capacity to deliver engaging, richer content to inform buyers and sell products beyond information on the packaging.

Creating and managing this enhanced content can be a challenge. System capability, team skills and time can limit what can be presented to buyers on the product page. Until now.

Extending the type of product content on your site;

Extending the type of product content on your site

If your product page is limited to the type of product content that it can display, we can apply a code snippet which will deliver the full range of product content options. This can include video, 360 spins, multiple images with zoom, HTML content.

Because it is so innovative, we are not permitted by clients to show this on their live sites. The graphic to the right simulates how this works on a generic site.

SKUlibrary can extend the type of information that can be displayed on your product page and then deliver the rich content to buyers

Delivery of free rich & enhanced product content;

Delivery of free rich & enhanced product content

Product packaging is limited to what it can show. Product descriptions and attribute-value pairs can be dry and functional. Infographics and media can be used to engage buyers to help them understand the benefits of the features of products.

SKUlibrary works with brands to deliver this rich content to retailers, with video, 360 spins and engaging content provided at no cost to the retailer. We can deliver this as HTML or using other methods you can work with. We have a large number of products with this content ready to go. What are you waiting for?

control of what appears on your site;

You are in control of what appears on your site

The rich content delivered to your site can either be consumed as is, modified and approved in SKUlibrary before being served. SKUlibrary can also provide options for which types of product content functions should be switch on at the product level.

This means you have full control for what appears on your site, and can also modify supplier provided rich content if required.

Engaging health & beauty shoppers;

Engaging health & beauty shoppers

Health and beauty products lend themselves well to the benefits of richer, enhanced product content. Along with pet and baby, health and beauty categories have a higher level of functional benefits that often need explaining to consumers.

SKUlibrary contains rich product content for many hundreds of health and beauty products, including 360 spins, video, infographics, comparison tables and engaging HTML. This is delivered into retailers that wish to receive it. If you would like a feed of this, just get in touch.

Why choose SKUlibrary

Widest distribution network

Our software has the widest distribution network for product content, with hundreds of retailers of all types and sizes accessing the platform to source their suppliers’ product content every week, either through manually downloading content or API feeds.

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Open catalogue

SKUlibrary has become the industry destination for retailers for free product content. The platform is free to use for retailers and with instant sign up, the number of retailers grows every week, and because of this, less effort is needed to get great content in front of buyers.

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Easy to use platform

SKUlibrary is designed for ease of use, by any user, no matter what their technical competence. This means we consistently achieve a ‘net promoter score’ of over 50 for retailer users.

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Single source of truth

Save time rekeying product content and keeping everything aligned across your business, by using SKUlibrary to feed product content through to brand sites, ecommerce platforms and other business systems.

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Share content without file sharing programs

SKUlibrary is designed to make it incredibly easy to share images and content internally and externally without having to go to the trouble of using file sharing programmes. In a few clicks you can share all the images and data of a collection of products with anyone.

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Feeds to other third parties

We integrate with a variety of third parties to support our clients digital strategy. This avoids our clients having to rekey content and ensures the same product content is being distributed everywhere.

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We actually use our own product

SKUlibrary is the platform developed by Salsify to manage the product content production for our clients. So our entire team uses SKUlibrary all day. We also create rich content for suppliers for a very low fee.

This means we need to make it as efficient and easy to use as possible for our teams to create content, and that retailers have no issues in controlling it. This means brands and retailers get more product content quickly and can control what is presented without issue.

Solve your product content challenges

To book a demo or arrange a discussion to learn how SKUlibrary and Salsify services and solutions can help you get better and more product content in front of buyers faster and with less effort, please just get in touch.