woody roo ghost mannequin photography blue white striped shirt;

woodyroo logo case study


WoodyRoo is all about being a gentleman… but a fun gentleman! They’re characterised by elements of classic tailoring and contemporary, youthful cuts – a ‘modern classic’ brand. We often work with WoodyRoo and shoot ghost photography for their garments.

To model for WoodyRoo, our resident male mannequin, Bruce, drinks his special invisibility potion and strikes the poses – he’s got the technique perfected. Then it’s up to the editing team to ensure that none of Bruce is visible in the final shots. Their top secret methods involve combining the front on images with shots of the shorts taken inside out. This means that the inside seams are visible and creates a truly ghostly look.

Our shots are up on the ‘Shop’ section of the WoodyRoo website – check them out and contact us for your own photography needs!