Switch on the SKUlibrary integration
Maintain content in SKUlibrary
SKUlibrary hosting suppliers now have the option to maintain all content requirements in SKUlibrary and integrate data into SupplierXM (SXM).
To switch on the SKUlibrary integration, fill out the form on the right for us to initiate the following process on your behalf:
Step 1. Your SXM master data attributes will be loaded into SKUlibrary by our support team free of charge in readiness to switch on the integration.
Step 2. The support team will switch on the integration then notify you once complete (no updates should be made in SXM or SKUlibrary during this process).
Step 3. Updates you make in SKUlibrary will automatically feed through to SupplierXM and provide you the opportunity to share with multiple retailers.
If you have previously opted out of SXM to manage your master data in other sources, you can choose not to backfill data. Reach out to our support team and we can help you choose the most suitable option.