Dear Valued SKUlibrary Client,

We’re excited to share some great news with you regarding SKUlibrary and the SupplierXM (SXM) platform. There now exists a free integration between the two platforms to make your product content easier to share between multiple retailers.

As a supplier using SKUvantage | Salsify ANZ, you now have more flexibility in delivering content to multiple retailers. Here’s how:

  1. Maintain content in SKUlibrary: You now have the option to manage all content requirements directly within SKUlibrary. To initiate this process, please click here.

  2. Maintain content in SXM: Alternatively, you can choose to maintain your data directly within SXM. Simply log in to your SXM account and update any gaps.

If you have any queries regarding your SKUlibrary or SupplierXM accounts, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Whichever source system you choose to use as your source of truth, please ensure that any changes are updated in that system. i.e. if you choose to manage attributes in SKUlibrary, then you will need to make changes in SKUlibrary to ensure they feed through SXM. 

Yes. If you wish to establish an API feed from your internal ERP system to SKUlibrary or SXM, please email [email protected] for further details.

Products that have been created in SXM but did not previously exist in SKUlibrary, have now been created with the data from SXM and are in a status of EMPTY. If you wish to manage these products via SKUlibrary you will need to load images and publish the products. If you do not wish to manage these products in SKUlibrary, you can leave them in an EMPTY state or move them to a DELETED state (you will not be charged for hosting these products if you choose not to manage them in SKUlibrary).

The Salsify Managed Services team will undertake quality assurance checks on your data to ensure they meet specific requirements for retailers. If there are any questions about your data, they will reach out via the SXM platform or via email. Any messages sent on the SXM platform will also be sent to your email. They may follow up with an additional email and a file for multiple products.

Please carefully read the message from the Managed Services team and complete the requested changes in SKUlibrary.

Bulk import briefs for master data fields will be completed free of charge.