Ecommerce Innovation & Trends

Channel Strategies: Understand and Implement an Omnichannel Ecosystem

Omnichannel ecosystems allow customers to get in touch with brands using the channels they prefer rather than a set of pre-defined touch points.

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This Blog Post Was Written by an AI Bot – Could Your Product Descriptions Be Next?

AI is here to stay. In fact, an AI bot wrote this blog, so does that mean it’s coming for your product descriptions next?

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Live Stream Shopping and Shoppable Video: Here’s What Global Consumers Want

Live-stream popularity is soaring, and the medium and its users have turned to shopping as the next step in the streaming story.

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Bad Data 101: How Errors Affect Your Business Performance

Data errors are inevitable – but if they’re left unchecked they can pile up and snowball to seriously affect your business.

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2023 Consumer Research Unpacks Global Shopper Insights

With the recent Salsify Consumer Research Report, we have a deeper insight into shoppers, how they make the decisions, and the big question…why?

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2023 Consumer Behaviour Insights: Here’s Why Shoppers Aren’t Buying Your Products

Having trouble with generating consistent sales? Here’s why consumers are opting against buying your products.

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